Odor Problems ( Masalah Bau Badan )

Odor problems and reap SHY

Some time ago we discussed the problem of foot odor (the nails of our feet). Well, so let's talk about the full body odor, hmmm delicious.
Tormenting experience when someone close to the spreader body odor in the next, for example while traveling on the bus, train, plane or wherever. Not just next door neighbor, the spreader body odor felt the same, uncomfortable, insecure and shy.

Persons with body odor is not necessarily obscene or less clearance you know. Despite repeated baths plus setaman flower fragrance, body odor, yet still hit the neighbor's nose. Hassle deh.
Although beautiful like an angel or movie star handsome like me, all the gifts of beauty that seemed to vanish when the scent smells spread from his skin pores. Relax, people with body odor need not be too discouraged, there are ways to eliminate or reduce them setikdaknya.

::::::::::::::: How did it happen? :::::::::::::::

Body odor occurs because the process of decay products through the sweat produced by sweat glands (apocrine glands = apocrine). Actually it is reasonable, in the sense that everyone (at a given time) would sweat in an effort to balance body temperature. Sweat comes out of our body contains water, salts and waste products of metabolism. This process goes through.

If the sweat and all the components in it can be experienced by everyone, why is not everyone's body odor? Yes, good question.
Apocrine glands are not the same amount each person, sometimes a person has more apocrine glands than others, so that more sweat production, resulting in a tendency to spread into a larger body odor. Please note that each hair there are apocrine glands that contain fatty acids (saturated) and oily. In addition there are other kelanjar ekrin the glands that produce water, but no smell.

Besides the role of apocrine glands, body odor can also be caused to other factors and by certain foods, such as: bananas, jengkol, garlic and others.

::::::::::::::: Factor Triggers:::::::::::::::

Several factors thought to be the originator of the onset of body odor, among others:

Excess weight (overweight = obese)
Psychological factors
Liquor, cigarettes, drugs (eg antibiotics)
High protein foods (eg lamb, durian)
Body hygiene
Hormonal factors (especially puberty)

Area spreader body odor in general area around the armpits and genital areas. Uh, yes ... the feet are also included, still remembers the previous section, right?

::::::::::::::: Treatment:::::::::::::::

Easy, cheap, fun.
Basically, treatment is directed at the elimination of body odor causes or at least reduce the factors that influence it.
Here are some tips that can be done to get rid of body odor.

Bath, at least 2 times a day, and dry with a clean towel. (Including shampooing regularly)
Sprinkle talcum powder (not a lot ya, ntar could look like donuts)
Using deodorant (if necessary) containing antibacterial or antiperspirant. (Use of perfume is not effective because it is temporary)
Wearing clean clothes and dry (preferably made of an absorbent sweat)
Eating vegetables and drinking water.
Avoid cooking (food) spicy thick (free occasionally);)


Stop using talcum powder or deodorant in case of irritation or skin reactions. 
+If necessary, shave the area where the parking lot of sweat, such as feathers "armpits" and the "genital". * Cautious yes, do not be scratched *;)
+As for the specific treatment carried out on the advice and decisions of physicians (specialists and genital skin) if the above step has no power to expel body odor.

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