What is Hantavirus, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Hantavirus infection is a viral disease transmitted from rodents to humans and cause lung infection and kidney weight.

Hantavirus can be found all over the world, in the urine, feces and saliva of some rodents, including mice and field mice and laboratory rats. Humans get this infection when dealing with rodents or their droppings, or smoke when virus particles in the air. Have not found evidence of transmission from person to person.
Lung infection begins with fever and muscle aches. Also, abdominal pain, diarrhea or vomiting. After 4-5 days, there was coughing and shortness of breath, which can deteriorate within a few hours. The loss of fluid into the lungs can cause a drastic decrease in blood pressure (shock). Death usually occurs after the shock. Lung infections are fatal, but those who survive can recover completely.

Kidney infections can be mild or severe. Mild infection starts suddenly with high fever, headache, backache and abdominal pain. On the 3rd or 4th day, small spots appear like bruises on the white of the eye and the palate along with the appearance of redness in the stomach. Renal function deteriorates, so the accumulated toxic substances in the blood, causing nausea, loss of appetite and weakness. Redness will disappear within 3 days. Expenditure urine gradually returned to normal and the patient will recover within a few weeks.

Severe kidney infection which is almost the same beginning, but the most high fever occurred on the 3rd day or 4th. Initial symptoms are typical facial skin redness, such as sunburn. When the skin is pressed, there will be a permanent red mark. Bleeding spots appeared on the 3rd-5th day, initially on the palate, and then across the skin that can be suppressed. Bleeding arise under the white part of eye. On the 5th day, blood pressure may decline sharply and shock can occur. On the 8th day, blood pressure returned to normal, but spending less urine. Spending increased in the urine back Day 11. At this time, bleeding, particularly in the brain, can cause death. Hantavirus infection is fatal in 5% of patients. Some who survive, suffer permanent kidney damage.

Diagnosis based on symptoms. Provision of anti-viral drugs will ribavirinx effective if given early. To infection of the lungs, oxygen administration and monitoring of blood pressure helps the healing process. For kidney infection, dialysis may be necessary.

Hantavirus treatment

People with hantavirus are admitted to the hospital, often to the intensive care unit (ICU). Treatments will include: Oxygen, Breathing tube or breathing machine in severe cases, A medication called ribavirin to treat kidney-related problems and reduce the risk of death. There is no effective treatment for hantavirus infection involving the lungs.

Hantavirus is a virus spread by rats. Hantavirus found in the feces, saliva and urine of rats. The virus is transmitted to humans when dealing with rodents (mice and rabbits) are attacked by the virus.

Symptoms in people include fever and muscle aches, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting.Symptoms progress to coughing and shortness of breath in-4-5 days after infection.

People who live in areas where hantavirus illnesses have occurred should take precautions to rodent-proof their homes and make outdoor areas as inhospitable to rodents as possible. People who live in areas not yet touched by hantavirus should avoid contact with rodents and be cautious about cleaning up their nests or droppings.

Public health officials emphasize that most tourist activities pose little or no risk, and that travelers need not worry about visiting areas where hantavirus has cropped up. Campers, however, should seek advice locally about avoiding native rodents.

Ribavirin, an antiviral drug, may be of some benefit. But what appears to help most is being hospitalized early, monitored carefully, and treated with life-sustaining fluids and medications that help normalize heart rate and breathing.
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