Luna Class / Job Tree Guide

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 Fighter Job Tree

 Mage job Tree

Rogue Job Tree

Luna Job / Class Guide

Fighters are the battle-hardened combatants of the Blue land. Fighters prefer close-quarters combat and dish out punishment on enemies from within melee range
Fighters are the battle-hardened combatants of the Blue land. Fighters prefer close-quarters combat and dish out punishment on enemies from within melee range. Fighters are also the only tier one class capable of wearing heavy armor, which allows them to withstand more damage than rogues and mages, while also being able to deal a moderate amount of damage. Fighters can choose to fight using a one-handed weapon and shield, or sacrifice some defensive abilities in favor of increased damage using a two-handed weapon.

  • Able to equip Heavy Armor
  • Melee combat
  • Can withstand damage better than the other Tier 1 classes
  • High HP and defense 
  • Less burst damage than the other Tier 1 classes
  • Ranged combat

Guards are the Tier 2 class of choice for fighters who wish to follow a more defensive path. Guards are the only Tier 2 class able to learn Heavy Armor Expertise.

Guards are the Tier 2 class of choice for fighters who wish to follow a more defensive path. Guards are the only Tier 2 class able to learn Heavy Armor Expertise, increasing their defense even more when wearing heavy armor. These stout defenders are also the only Tier 2 fighter class capable of learning area of effect damage skills. This allows guards to round up many enemies together and deal damage to all of them at the same time. Guards tend to prefer fighting with a one-handed weapon and shield, as this allows them to take advantage of the unique shield skills only available to Guards in the second tier. This is often the path of choice for players who enjoy grouping with others, as Guards can round up enemies while their partners help take them down.

  • Able to withstand a lot of damage with Heavy Armor Expertise passive skill
  • One-handed weapon plus shield for increased defense
  • Exclusive shield skills such as shield stun
  • Area of effect damage skill
  • Defensive buff skill 
  • Kills more slowly than its Warrior counterpart
  • No attack buff skill


Warriors are the Tier 2 class of choice for fighters who wish to follow a more offensive path. Using two-handed weapons, warriors are able to deal large amounts of damage.

Warriors are the Tier 2 class of choice for fighters who wish to follow a more offensive path. Using two-handed weapons, warriors are able to deal large amounts of damage. They are also the only Tier 2 fighter class with the ability to cast attack power buffs. While they lack the area of effect capabilities of their Guard counterparts, Warriors are able to quickly take down single targets with powerful two-handed weapon attack skills. Their ability to wear heavy armor means that they will never shy away from a combat situation.

  • Large amounts of damage with two-handed attack skills
  • STR and attack power buffs
  • Quickly dispose of single targets
  • Able to withstand a decent amount of damage 
  • No Heavy Armor Expertise
  • No area of effect damage skills


The infantryman is the Tier 3 path of choice for players who wish to focus on defensive abilities. This class is the only Tier 3 fighter class capable of casting Attract Circle.

The infantryman is the Tier 3 path of choice for players who wish to focus on defensive abilities. This class is the only Tier 3 fighter class capable of casting Attract Circle, which is an area of effect taunt skill. This skill makes the infantryman highly valuable in groups. The infantryman is especially adept at gathering large numbers of enemies together, allowing their group members to quickly dispose of the enemy mobs. The infantryman also has the most defensive buffs of the Tier 3 fighter classes. This class is also equipped with an area of effect attack that sacrifices its own HP in return for dealing damage. However, this sacrificed HP can be regained through the Infantryman's self heal skill!

  • Area of effect taunt and area of effect attack skill
  • Magical defense skills and other defensive buffs
  • Self heal
  • Shield knockback skill
  • Valued member in groups 
  • Weak single target damage
  • Lack of attack buffs


The swordsman is one of the two damage-focused Tier 3 fighter classes. As suggested by the name of the class, the swordsman specializes in skills that require the use of swords.

The swordsman is one of the two damage-focused Tier 3 fighter classes. As suggested by the name of the class, the swordsman specializes in skills that require the use of swords. The swordsman is able to learn multiple areas of effect damage skills and also has the potential to have the fastest attack speed of the three Tier 3 fighter classes. It is also the only Tier 3 fighter class with a long range attack skill. It is also the only class with the ability to learn the Sleep spell. For increased survivability, the swordsman also has the ability to cast self heals. Players of this class often choose between one-handed weapons with shields and two-handed weapons.

  • Self heal
  • Long range attack skill
  • Able to learn a sleep spell
  • Access to multiple area of effect damage skills
  • Potential for fastest attack speed of the three Tier 3 fighter classes 
  • Lack of defensive buffs
  • No heavy armor expertise

The mercenary is one of the two damage-focused Tier 3 fighter classes. Mercenaries tend to specialize in using two-handed weapons due to their many exclusive two-handed weapon skills

The mercenary is one of the two damage-focused Tier 3 fighter classes. Mercenaries tend to specialize in using two-handed weapons due to their many exclusive two-handed weapon skills. The mercenary is the only Tier 3 fighter class to have a two-handed weapon area of effect attack. This class also has exclusive access to a two-handed weapon stun skill. Mercenaries also have the only area of effect physical defense debuff, allowing them to do increased damage to their enemies using their multiple area of effect skills.

  • Massive damage using exclusive two-handed weapons skills
  • Multiple area of effect damage skills
  • Area of effect debuff
  • Two-handed weapon stun skill
  • Strength and attack power buffs 
  • No self heal
  • Lack of defensive buffs
  • No heavy armor expertise

The phalanx is the Tier 4 class of choice for fighters wishing to follow a more defensive path. The phalanx has the highest defensive potential, allowing players to maximize their heavy armor.

The phalanx is the Tier 4 class of choice for fighters wishing to follow a more defensive path. The phalanx has the highest defensive potential, allowing players to maximize their heavy armor and defensive shield passive skills. This class also has the ability to learn a passive skill which allows for increased HP regeneration. The phalanx is a highly valued group member, able to gather many enemy mobs together at once. This class is best suited for tanking giant boss monsters such as Tarintus. As the phalanx is focused on defensive abilities, they prefer to go into combat with one-handed weapons and shields.

  • Area of effect shield damage skill
  • Maximize heavy armor and defensive shield passive skills
  • Ideal for tanking many mobs or bosses in groups
  • Passive skill for increasing HP recovery
  • Area of effect taunt 
  • Low damage compared to the other Tier 4 fighter classes
  • Needs to be in a group to maximize efficiency

Knights are the Tier 4 fighter class of choice for those who wish to strike a balance between damage and defense. Knights have access to multiple area of effect skills.

Knights are the Tier 4 fighter class of choice for those who wish to strike a balance between damage and defense. Knights have access to multiple area of effect skills, as well as many buffs that increase their ability to deal damage more efficiently. Along with these damage buffs, Knights also have access to defensive skills. This class also has access to the formidable self heal spell Divine Justice. This mix of offense and defense allows knights to solo quite effectively. Knights tend to prefer using one-handed weapons in conjunction with shields.

  • Good balance between dealing damage and defense
  • Multiple area of effect skills
  • Useful offensive and defensive buffs and abilities
  • Divine Justice self heal skill
  • Good solo ability
  • Area of effect taunt 
  • Good at many things, but exceptional at none

Gladiators are arguably the best damage dealers of the Tier 4 fighter classes. With their extraordinary damage output, gladiators are unafraid of any foe.

Gladiators are arguably the best damage dealers of the Tier 4 fighter classes. With their extraordinary damage output, gladiators are unafraid of any foe. With their aggressive style, Gladiators prefer to go into battle using two-handed weapons with three area of effect damage skills at their disposal. Gladiators have multiple buffs and passive abilities that aid in increasing their potential for damage output. Gladiators also have an area of effect defensive debuff.

  • Best damage output of the Tier 4 fighter classes
  • Three area of effect attack skills
  • Area of effect debuff
  • Attack speed, attack power, and critical damage buffs and passives 
  • No Heavy Armor Expertise

Rune Knights

Rune Knights, like Gladiators, are one of the damage-focused Tier 4 fighter classes. While they have lower damage output than Gladiators, Rune Knights have exclusive auras which are able to buff friendly players around them

Rune Knights, like Gladiators, are one of the damage-focused Tier 4 fighter classes. While they have lower damage output than Gladiators, Rune Knights have exclusive auras which are able to buff friendly players around them. They also have exclusive access to a long range stun skill, which is highly effective in PvP and other sticky situations. In addition to stuns, Rune Knights also have access to a sleep skill as well as a self heal. They also have better MP management skills than Gladiators. Rune Knights are known to use both one-handed weapons with shields and two-handed weapons.

  • Useful aura skills which aid players around the Rune Knight
  • High damage output
  • Long range stun and sleep skill (useful in PvP)
  • Self heal
  • Good MP management capabilities 
  • No Heavy Armor Expertise

Rogues are versatile hunters able to wield daggers and bows with deadly proficiency. These nimble damage dealers wear light armor, focusing on evasion to avoid attacks and defeating their enemies before they have a chance to strike back.

Rogues are versatile hunters able to wield daggers and bows with deadly proficiency. These nimble damage dealers wear light armor, focusing on evasion to avoid attacks and defeating their enemies before they have a chance to strike back. Because they are so fragile, rogues require extra skill and concentration to play effectively, but at the hands of a skill player, nothing strikes fear into the heart of your enemy like a rogue. Early on, rogues can choose to specialize in either daggers or bows, a distinction that becomes more pronounced in future tiers.

  • Masters of daggers and bows
  • Nimble fighting style means lots of critical change and evasion
  • Powerful bleeds and damage over time skills
  • Dexterity and movement speed buffs 
  • Deadly but fragile
  • Requires greater skill and concentration to master

Trained by the legendary Star Seekers themselves, Voyagers use their deadly marksmanship skills to assault their enemies from afar with bows and arrows.

Trained by the legendary Star Seekers themselves, Voyagers use their deadly marksmanship skills to assault their enemies from afar with bows and arrows. These expert ranged attackers feature extremely high critical damage and are able to slow and stun their enemies to keep them at a distance. All of this ranged expertise comes at a price, however, as Voyagers are weak at close range, lacking the melee attacks necessary to go toe-to-toe with other tier 2 rogue classes.

  • Uses bows to strike enemies from afar
  • High critical damage
  • Slows enemies from a distance so they never get close 
  • Limited melee options
  • Normal bow attacks consume mana
  • Requires extra skill to play


Ruffians are damage power houses that excel at attacking quickly with daggers at close range. What they lack in long distance attacks they more than make up for in pure melee damage.

Ruffians are damage power houses that excel at attacking quickly with daggers at close range. What they lack in long distance attacks they more than make up for in pure melee damage, and can even unleash a powerful damage over time attack against all of the enemies around them. Like the tier 1 Rogue, however, Ruffians also rely heavily on evading attacks to survive, as they feature much less health and lower defense compared to other melee classes.

  • Fast-paced melee expert
  • High chance to evade attacks
  • Area of effect damage over time skill
  • Powerful single target stun skill
  • Few ranged attacks

One shot, one kill! Archers control the battlefield from a distance, taking in the full range of a conflict and unleashing deadly ranged attacks into the fray.

One shot, one kill! Archers control the battlefield from a distance, taking in the full range of a conflict and unleashing deadly ranged attacks into the fray. Wielding multiple area of effect skills, and featuring unprecedented range, the Archer is an ideal choice for any player that likes to hang back and pick off enemies from afar. With the ability to stun, slow, and snare enemy targets, they also make a great addition to any group and are perfect for luring targets to their doom.

  • Master of ranged combat
  • Multiple area of effect skills
  • Complete control of the battlefield - stun and slow enemies 
  • Sacrifices melee attacks for ranged domination
  • Normal bow attacks consume mana


The Thief is master of the shadows, and is a perfect choice for players that like to hide in stealth and wait for the perfect opportunity to strike.

The Thief is master of the shadows, and is a perfect choice for players that like to hide in stealth and wait for the perfect opportunity to strike. Thieves lack powerful area of effect abilities, but make up for it with superior single target attacks and more evasion and critical strike than other tier 3 rogue classes. Thieves are also the masters of deception, able to slink into the shadows and disappear at a moment's notice.

  • Sneak up on enemies using stealth
  • Powerful attacks that can only be initiated from stealth
  • More evasion and crit than other tier 3 rogue classes 
  • Weak area of effect damage
  • Few ranged attacks

Scouts are a unique hybrid class that can weird daggers or bows with equal efficiency. Rather than focusing on a single path and becoming an expert in it.

Scouts are a unique hybrid class that can weird daggers or bows with equal efficiency. Rather than focusing on a single path and becoming an expert in it, Scout's trade focused effectiveness for increased utility, including powerful buffs to critical rate and evasion and increased mana control and regeneration. Scouts can even heal themselves and cure deadly poisons.

  • Jack-of-all trade classes that balances melee combat with ranged expertise
  • Multiple buffs for evasion, critical rate
  • Passive skills that increase MP and MP regeneration
  • Can heal self and cure poison effects 
  • Lowest evasion of all Tier 3 rogue classes
  • Sacrifices attack power for utility
Treasusre Hunter

Treasusre Hunter are all about one thing: Greed. Using the passive extort ability, Treasure Hunters receive more item drops from enemies than other job classes.

Treasure Hunters are all about one thing: Greed. Using the passive extort ability, Treasure Hunters receive more item drops from enemies than other job classes, making them the perfect choice for players with extra inventory space to fill. They also utilize their unique set of tools, including explosive bombs and smoke bombs, to deal area of effect damage to groups of monsters and apply powerful status effects to debuff their enemies. Treasure Hunters' versatility means they are able to use either daggers or bows effectively, and makes them a welcome addition to any group.

  • Extorts items from enemies, getting more item drops than other classes
  • Multiple area of effect skills
  • Powerful debuffs that reduce enemies' effectiveness in battle
  • Shield Boomerang pulls targets to the treasure hunter 
  • Good at many things, but exceptional at none
  • Limited stealth capabilities

Assassins strike from the shadows without warning, emerging from stealth to deal massive damage to a single target.

Assassins strike from the shadows without warning, emerging from stealth to deal massive damage to a single target. Assassins are the most effective melee damage dealers the Rogue guild has to offer. They can invest in powerful passive abilities that boost their natural critical strike rate and damage, and have the most powerful stealth skills of all the Rogue classes. Assassins like to get up close and personal with their targets, using daggers to quickly and quietly defeat their foes.

  • An expert at single target damage
  • Stealth master able to attack from the shadows
  • High critical rate and damage
  • Most effective damage passives of tier 4 rogues 
  • Limited ranged attack options
  • Sacrifices health and defense for even greater damage

Rangers are the absolute masters of ranged combat. These fierce attackers are at one with their bow, able to attack farther and faster than any other ranged class.

Rangers are the absolute masters of ranged combat. These fierce attackers are at one with their bow, able to attack farther and faster than any other ranged class. Being ranger is all about cold, hard efficiency. While they may lack the utility of other tier 4 rogue job classes, no other class is as feared at a distance than a Ranger.

  • The undisputed master of ranged combat
  • Decreased reload time to attack even faster 
  • Limited melee options
Rune Walkers

Rune Walkers are the ultimate team player, able to make any group they're a part of immediately better thanks to powerful group buffs

Rune Walkers are the ultimate team player, able to make any group they're a part of immediately better thanks to powerful group buffs that boost party members' critical rate, critical damage, and movement speed. Like other hybrid rogue classes, the Rune Walker can choose to use either daggers or bows in combat, and features superior utility, including improved mana regeneration and the ability to interrupt enemy spells.

  • Can interrupt enemy's spells and silence hostile casters
  • Excellent survivability and self heal skill
  • Powerful buffs that aid party members
  • Good MP management capabilities 
  • Good at everything, great at nothing
  • Only reaches full potential in a group
Mages are the spell-casting combatants of the Blue land. Mages tend to prefer combat from afar, channeling the elements to conjure spells that cause great harm to their foes.

Mages are the spell-casting combatants of the Blue land. Mages tend to prefer combat from afar, channeling the elements to conjure spells that cause great harm to their foes. They are also able to cast healing spells which allow them to rejuvenate themselves and their allies. Mages are the least sturdy of the Tier 1 classes, only able to wear light armor.

  • Spell casting
  • Ranged combat
  • Very high damage potential
  • Ability to heal self and others
  • Low HP and physical defense
  • Melee combat

Clerics are the support-oriented class of choice in the Tier 2 tree for mages. Clerics are equipped with multiple buffs, including buffs to wisdom, movement speed, attack power, and physical defense.

Clerics are the support-oriented class of choice in the Tier 2 tree for mages. Clerics are equipped with multiple buffs, including buffs to wisdom, movement speed, attack power, and physical defense. They also have debuffs to use against foes. Clerics are also uniquely equipped with the ability to heal their entire group at once. Clerics work exceptionally well with damage dealers in parties.

  • Great support class in parties
  • A large variety of buffs and debuffs
  • Group heal ability 
  • Less efficient than Wizards while soloing
  • Less spell damage.

Wizards are the Tier 2 class of choice for those who wish to inflict copious amounts of damage on their enemies.

Wizards are the Tier 2 class of choice for those who wish to inflict copious amounts of damage on their enemies. Wizards have exclusive access to INT and magic attack power buffs, as well as curses and debuffs against enemy monsters. Wizards have a plethora of damage dealing spells available to them, as well as the unique ability to sacrifice their health points in exchange for mana points. Wizards are efficient solo players, but they also work well in parties serving as damage dealers.

  • High damage potential
  • Good mana management spells
  • Efficient solo as well as in parties 
  • Low support abilities
  • No fast heal or group heal

The priest is the Tier 3 path of choice for players who wish to focus on defensive and supportive spell-casting. Priests are the prototypical healing class.

The priest is the Tier 3 path of choice for players who wish to focus on defensive and supportive spell-casting. Priests are the prototypical healing class. They are equipped with strong heal spells and many buffs to improve the effectiveness of themselves and those around them. They also have exclusive Tier 3 access to a sleep spell, as well as a buff which allows them to see hidden foes.

  • Better heal spells
  • Many buffs
  • Sleep spell for crowd control and PvP
  • Beholder buff which can see through stealth
  • Valued member in groups
  • Low damage potential
  • Needs to be in groups to maximize potential

The sorcerer is the ranged damage Tier 3 mage class. Sorcerers are equipped with multiple area-of-effect spells, as well as single target damage spells in order to deal damage.

The sorcerer is the ranged damage Tier 3 mage class. Sorcerers are equipped with multiple area-of-effect spells, as well as single target damage spells in order to deal damage to cope with all situations that they are confronted with. Sorcerers have INT and Magic Power buffs, which further add to their ability to inflict pain on their foes. Sorcerers also have access to a stun spell, so that that they can stun their target and then rain down punishment from afar.

  • Multiple AoE damage spells
  • Stun spell, which is great for PvP
  • Higher level Blood Stream
  • INT/Magic Buff
  • High damage potential 
  • Lack of defensive buffs
  • Lack of a strong heal spell

The monk, like the sorcerer, is a damage-dealing mage class. However, unlike the sorcerer who deals damage from afar, the monk prefers close-quarters combat.

The monk, like the sorcerer, is a damage-dealing mage class. However, unlike the sorcerer who deals damage from afar, the monk prefers close-quarters combat. Monks have exclusive access to Light-Armor expertise, which provides them with much more defense than the other Tier 3 job classes. Monks are exceptional single-target damage dealers.

  • Magic critical rate buff
  • Light-armor expertise
  • High single-target damage
  • Effective solo class 
  • Lack of sleep or stun
  • Lack of effective ranged damage skills

The Bishop is the Tier 4 class of choice for mages wishing to play in a healing or supportive role. Bishops are highly valued in parties for their unmatched ability to keep party members alive.

The Bishop is the Tier 4 class of choice for mages wishing to play in a healing or supportive role. Bishops are highly valued in parties for their unmatched ability to keep party members alive in the most difficult of situations. Bishops have access to cast time reduction skills as well as some decent damage dealing alternatives.

  • Multiple buffs
  • Cast time reduction
  • Very powerful healing spells
  • Great as a support role in parties 
  • Low damage potential compared to other mage classes
  • Not a great solo class

Warlocks are the Tier 4 mage class of choice for players wishing to deal large amounts of damage to multiple targets at once. Especially effective in groups with tanks

Warlocks are the Tier 4 mage class of choice for players wishing to deal large amounts of damage to multiple targets at once. Especially effective in groups with tanks, warlocks have multiple area-of-effect spells to mow down numerous foes at once. Warlocks also have access to crowd control spells such as stun and freeze.

  • Multiple AoE spells
  • Stun and freeze spells for crowd control
  • INT/Magic power buff
  • High damage potential 
  • Lack of defensive buffs
Inquirers, like monks from the third tier, prefer doing damage from within close quarters. Inquirers have the best single-target damage of the Tier 4 mage classes.

Inquirers, like monks from the third tier, prefer doing damage from within close quarters. Inquirers have the best single-target damage of the Tier 4 mage classes. Coupled with their access to light-armor expertise, they are able to solo effectively. Inquirers also have many buffs and debuffs which increase their damage potential while weakening their foes at the same time.

  • Light-armor Expertise
  • High single-target damage
  • Effective solo class
  • Many offensive buffs and debuffs 
  • Lack of crowd control skilsl
  • Lack of effective ranged damage
Elemental masters

Elemental masters, like Bishops, are a support-oriented Tier 4 mage class. Unlike Bishops who focus on strong healing spells, elemental masters have access to unique buffs.

Elemental masters, like Bishops, are a support-oriented Tier 4 mage class. Unlike Bishops who focus on strong healing spells, elemental masters have access to unique buffs that can help to attribute to the effectiveness of party members. When coupled with the priest Tier 3 class, elemental masters can be effective healers in addition to their potent buffs.

  • Access to class-exclusive buffs to aid party members
  • Buffs that are especially useful for melee classes
  • Provides support that may be lacking from Bishops
  • Good in parties 
  • Lack of effective healing without the priest Tier 3 class combination
  • Not very effective as a solo player

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