How Headache and Migraine Due to Dehydration

The brain is very sensitive to dehydration and heat regulation in the body. The brain can not withstand excessive heating. Enzyme system is highly concentrated to temperature fluctuations. When the body lacks water and potentially dehydration or the body becomes too hot because the blanket is too thick, the brain sets priorities for itself, at the expense of other tissues. Brain allowing more blood to flow through the system vaskulernya. Blood vessels to the brain, carotid arteries, branching from the main arteries of the heart, namely aorta. Carotid arteries supply blood to the scalp, face, and tongue before walking into the skull to supply the brain. When orders increase forced the blood supply to the brain arteries to dilate, the blood circulation to the face and scalp is also increasing. This is why there are throbbing headache in the temples.

Capillary system of the brain is under the direct influence of histamine. In addition to his direct responsibility, namely the setting of water into the brain, histamine is also involved with temperature regulation in the body. Histamine has 2 cooling function. He lowers the core body temperature and is also involved in facilitating sweat to help cool the body.

Histamine that is released due to dehydration or brain worries that excessive heating, will enable some particular system to further improve the circulation in fixing the problem again. When dehydration occurs in brain regions, regardless of whether caused by lack of water intake, stress, alcohol, or excessive heating, the action of histamine causes pain that we know as headaches or migraines. To relieve this type of pain, may need to be taken two, three, even four cups of water. The water must be cold to allow for a more smooth circulation of the blood that has been dissolved into the area of ​​the brain. It is interesting to note that almost all pain medication disconnect between histamine and one of the major subordinate systems. Migraine is a signal of dehydration and overheating of the brain that are activated centrally. This is why most of the pain reliever is not susceptible to migraine headaches.
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