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Aion 3 next big update for the MMORPG

A new trailer for Aion circulating on the web since last Tuesday, announcing the next big update for the MMORPG. Indeed, in this new trailer, information raining down in all directions.

An evolution of graphics
Most of the game's graphics will be reviewed to give a more refined. Given the relatively high quality graphics today, we can only wait to see the result!

A new world
From what we can understand, new areas will be added and new creatures. Players can also explore many desert areas of land covered by forests, the seabed, or the heavens. Moreover, the seasons are now punctuate the world of Aion, and it will be possible to see snow in Pandaemonium.

Residential areas
One issue that some players were disappointed: no residential area to the Dark Age of Camelot. Well now it will be done. We can build houses in Aion(Aion Kinah). The question is whether this will be the Legion of homes, personal homes, or both.
In any case, the customization possibilities seem far more extensive than in Dark Age of Camelot, what delight in more than one.

And yes! They are indeed Aion Elyos and Aion Asmodians who ride various mounts, alone or with others. This should facilitate travel in the pve areas that have an insufficient number of fly, and where players can move around on foot or by hovering (when possible).
And apparently, it will be possible to charm creatures to climb, and fight on their backs.

The most epic battles ever
The appearance epic Aion was already present, and it will be even more with ever more acrobatic sequences and visual effects just as impressive.

 New events?
The trailer suggests fighting against huge creatures, like dragons or monsters huge crushing entire villages.
In short, you will understood deeply the update that we will be happy to try this! So far no date was given.

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