TOP 5 Blog Editor

blog editors support features like visual-preview, text-alignment, adjustable font styles and so on, there are a few capable also of managing your trackback pings
  1. Bleezer ***DEAD

    Bleezer is a free offline blog editor for Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems. Bleezer works with any blogging platform, allowing you to create your posts without being connected to the Internet. Spell check, media content embed, pings, and tag features up and running. No Twitter notifications, or multi-blog posting.

  2. Thingamablog

    Thingamablog is a free, cross-platform offline blogging solution that works with Windows, Mac, and Linux machines. Thingamablog does not require a third-party blogging host, but just a  FTP,  SFTP, or network access to a web server, and Java 1.4.2 or greater installed. Spell checking, ping, multi-blog posting features available. No Twitter notifications, media embed content, or tagging enabled.

  3. Flock

    Flock is not a proper offline blogging software, but a free web browser based on Mozilla Firefox (thus multi-platform) with blog-posting features built-in. The main advantage of Flock is the complete integration with media content you can embed in your blog posts. You can simply drag&drop your preferred media and publish them to one of your blogs with a simple click. Flock works with WordPress, TypePad, Blogger, LiveJournal, Xanga, and others. Spell check enabled, but no ping, tags, or Twitter notifications features.

  4. Scribefire

    Scribefire is a free Firefox extension (multi-platform) to manage your blog offline. Scribefire supports Typepad, WordPress, LiveJournal, Live Spaces, Tumblr, MovableType, Blogger, and others. You can easily insert Flickr and YouTube media inside your blog posts, ping sites and add tags online, and manage multiple accounts sending the same post to any of your blogs. No spell checking functionality, or Twitter notifications.

  5. Windows Live Writer

    Windows Live Writer is a free, Windows-only offline blogging software that allows you to manage and also create a blog on the major blogging platforms: Windows Live, WordPress, Blogger, MovableType, Live Journal, TypePad, and more. Fully integrated with other services of the Live family, Live Writer supports spell checking, and the embed of any media content. Not supported: tags, pings, multi-blog posting, and Twitter notifications.

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