FAXION Game Online 2011


Faxion Online developed by UTV True Games is a free to play massively multiplayer online roleplaying game where players join either Heaven, Hell and Limbo to fight ,with turns and twists.  The epic battle is awaiting you, you are the savoir of no matter you are. Faxion Online is a 3D full fledged Fantasy MMORPG with action-paced PVP, Like No others, Faxion Online is the first internal title from UTV True games and promises a next-generation MMORPG with unique gameplay and rich graphical culture. UTV True Games thus far has two super games open to all, Warrior Epic and Mytheon Gams, both of which are free to play games with microtransactions payment model. In the press release from Gamasutra.com, the developers said players will have a roaster of options to customize their characters like skills, abilities and profession paths. Although the dev team did not confirm the exact release date, the gamespot introduced this upcoming title saying it will be scheduled to launch in Q4, 2010.

Free To Choose Character Progression

You will have the choice to create the character you envision with total control over your character’s skills, attributes and equipment. Faxion doesn’t make youselect a simple class or role to play, but gives you the ability to multiclass across all classes offered for your faction. Lifting the bonds and shackles of traditional RPG class systems, the limit is your creativity, not the game.

Visceral Combat

Faxion brings you into the action with the use of its visceral combat system. No longer is a blind simply a debuff to your character’s combat effectiveness. You are your character in Faxion, and when blinded your character can’t see, neither can you! Get smashed in the head, stumbling confused? Find that your controls are scrambled and you really can't walk straight...

Play the Game, Not the Grind

Faxion is designed to alleviate you from the burden most MMORPGs present. No longer will an MMORPG demand you devote untold hours in the dark (unless you choose to!). Take a vacation, have dinner with the family or go see a concert all while advancing your characters ability offline. Faxion delivers an offline ability queue system that will allow you to continue your character’s growth while enjoying what else life has to offer.
When you log into Faxion, it's to play and enjoy a game, not a second job.

Fight for the Seven Deadly Sins

Faxion and the world of Limbo are the perfect location for a picnic… err war, yeah that’s it, a war! Limbo and its locations depicting the Seven Deadly Sins are in a constant struggle between Heaven and Hell as they fight to gain total control over Limbo. Each day, every hour, the battle rages on between these armies and the sins they represent.

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