Meaning Of Computer


The term computer has a broad meaning and is different for everyone. The term computer (computer) is taken from the Latin meaning computare count (to compute or to reckon).

According Blissmer (1985), the computer is an electronic device capable of performing several tasks, namely to receive input, process the input according to the instructions given, keep the commandments and the results of its processing, and provides output in the form of information.
Meanwhile, according to Sanders (1985), the computer is an electronic system to manipulate data quickly and accurately as well as designed and organized in order to automatically receive and store input data, process it, and produce output based on instructions that have been stored in the memory. And many more experts who are trying to define it differently on the computer. However, in essence it can be concluded that the computer is an electronic device that can receive input, process input, provide information, using a program stored in computer memory, can store programs and data processing, and works automatically.

The main objective of the computer system is processing data to produce information that needs to be supported by elements consisting of hardware (hardware), software (software), and brainware. Hardware is computer equipment itself, is a software program that contains the commands to perform certain processes, and brainware are human beings involved in the operation and manage computer systems.
The three elements of the computer system should be interconnected and form a unity. Hardware without the software will not mean anything, just a dead object. Both hardware and software may stop working if there is no man who operate them.

Computer structure is defined as the ways of each of the components are interrelated. The structure of a computer is simple, can be described in the block diagram in Figure below.

where the CPU / processor, memory and I / O ports are located (installed) on the motherboard.
In summary, the computer system consists of three important components:
1. CPU (Central Processing Unit) / processor
2. Memory (RAM and ROM)
3. Input / Output

== Device (Input Tool) computer hardware that serves as a tool to enter data or commands into the computer.
== (Tool Output) computer hardware whose function is to display the output as a result of data processing. Output can be either hard-copy (the paper), soft-copy (to monitor), or in the form of sound.==  I / O Ports This section is used to receive or send data out sistem.Peralatan input and output of the above connect through this port.==  (Central Processing Unit) CPU is the brain of computer systems, and operational functions have two parts, namely:

  • (Arithmetical Logical Unit) as the central data processor, and
  • (Control Unit) as a controller of the computer work.
memory serves to store data and programs. Various types of memory is the fastest access until late. based on the speed of access can be made of memory hierarchy such as the following tableFastest
  • Late Register
  • Cache memory
  • Main memory
  • Secondary memory

== Data Bus routes transfer of data between modules in computer systems. Because at a certain time each channel can only carry 1 bit of data, then the number of channels determines the number of bits that can be transferred at one time. Data bus width determines the overall system performance. Its bidirectional, meaning that the CPU can read and receive this data via the data bus. Data Bus typically consists of 8, 16, 32, or 64 parallel lines.== Address Bus Used to indicate the location of the source or destination of data transfer process. At this point, the CPU will send the memory address to be written or dibaca.Address

bus usuallyconsists of 16, 20, 24, or 32 parallel lines.

== Bus is used to control the use and access to the Data Bus and Address Bus. Consisting of 4 samapai 10 parallel channels.

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1. meaning pc system
2. computer system
3. meaning computer 
4. computer proces
5. how computer works  

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