health - Acne or pimples problem

Just a reminder (not nakut scare you know), squeeze acne can leave scarring (sikatrik) can even lead to keloid (for a talented keloids)

Acne or pimples are usually called chronic inflammation of the sebaceous follicles, characterized by comedones that arise because of the hair follicle duct obstruction (by secretion of dead skin cells and sebum).

usually appear on the face, neck, chest, back and upper arms. happen (mostly) at puberty (female: 14-19 years and men: 20-30 years). Sometimes acne bobbed again just before menopause. In certain conditions of acne can also appear, for example, if lack of sleep. As the writer that in fact only 22 ™ * more * er-er, sometimes gets acne, especially around the nose, if melekan and a lot of work. (Emotional factors such as the desire to finish the job contributed to the onset of acne).
The cause of ACNE The exact cause is unknown. Factors that influence the occurrence of acne, among others:

  • Emotional factors and stress
  • Heredity
  • Weather factors (season)
  • The influence of food (still debated by experts)
  • Menstruation (estimated at about 70% of women experience his reappearance of acne 2-7 days    before menstruation)
  • Drugs: eg: steroids.
  • Cosmetics. In certain people, certain ingredients in a cream base, moisturizer, sunscreen creams may cause acne.
The process of formation of ACNE Suspected to have 4 things related to the occurrence of acne, namely:

An increase in the excretion of sebum (an oily fluid)
Hiperkeratinisasi (hardening of tissue) in the sebaceous channel
Propinibacterium acnes bacteria growth
Inflammation by factors protease (proteolytic enzyme)
Symptom Almost everyone knows of acne just by looking. Initially the blackheads, namely blockage of the hair follicle wide, often contain Propinibacterium acnes bacteria. If there is inflammation, then the visible spots (small bumps) contains pus. Inflammation cause itching, pain and if it broke out pus or soft white blob.

1. acne komedonal
Simply given the drug outside (topical) for exfoliation.

     Tretinoat acid 0.05% cream or jelly applied 2 times a day
     2.5 to 5% benzoyl peroxide gel
     Salicylic acid 0.5-2% liquid.
     Open comedones can be performed retrieval (extraction) blackheads.

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