Is a collection of data that are interconnected with one another are stored in the computer and necessary software to manipulate. AtauPengorganisasian a collection of interrelated data making it easier for activities to obtain information.


     -Database = is a collection of files.
     -file = Table is bringing together a number of records
     -record = Record is a collection of a number of interrelated data elements
     -Data item / Field = Field is the smallest state data that has meaning
     -character = Character is the smallest piece of data, can be either numeric, letters or special characters.

DBMS (Database Management System)

• A system that is specifically designed to facilitate users in managing the database. The advantage of using a DBMS:

     Independence of data
     Efficient Usage of Data
     Security is and Data Integrity
     administrative data
     Simultaneously Access and Recovery of Failures
     Application development time is shortened.

According to Access Database Types Can be divided into four types, namely

     Individual Data Base,
     Corporate Data Base,
     Distributed Data Base, and
     Public Data Bank.


Is an integrated set of concepts used to describe the data, the relationship antardata. Consists of:

     Hierarchical data model
     Network Data Model
     Relational Data Model
     Object-Based Data Model.

Some kind of Software is used to make requests to the data in the form of a complex and transient.

• The purpose of OLAP is to use the information in a database (Data Warehouse).

OLAP can be used to perform consolidation, Drill-Down and Slicing and Dicing.

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