+ > LUNA PLUS < +

> litle information for luna plus +_+

a. after game update all players will free reset skils and stats

b. u can try new item different

c. equip for char must be created by your self

d. demon / devil class can u try if u have char lv 50

e. demon / devil class instan at lv 40

f. monsters drop will be change increased and change

g. rare item can be craft but u must have material drop from boss

h. luky item will be increased

i. u can cheap upgreade Eq up tu + 6 but +7 + 8 if fail will be + 0

j. if u want + 9 and more have chance item will broken

k. 1 slot material can store 1000

l. rare pet material drop from dating batle

Good Luck +_+ plus for u Life

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